Sunday, December 23, 2018

Eczema herpeticum Skin Condition : What Is It ? Treatment and Advice For Patient

Eczema herpeticum Skin Condition : What Is It ? Treatment and Advice For Patient

Atopic eczema which has become secondarily infected with herpes simplex virus.

Approximate age group

Affects all age groups.


The rash is made up of small umbilicated vesicles or grouped “punchedout” erosions which are painful rather than itchy. The patient will be generally unwell, which you would not normally expect with atopic eczema.

A viral swab should be taken from one of the vesicles to confirm the diagnosis. Treat adults with a 7-day course of an oral antiviral agent such as aciclovir, valaciclovir or famciclovir. In children, topical aciclovir can be prescribed if infection is mild, and oral aciclovir if severe.

These drugs are only effective when the virus is replicating so should only be given in the early phase of the disease (within 48 hours of the rash appearing). Adequate analgesia, such as paracetamol or co-proxamol (adults only), is important.

Advice to patient/parent

Good hygiene: avoiding the sharing of towels and good handwashing techniques are important to minimise the risk of spreading the infection to others.

Traffic light

In children, hospitalisation may be considered in cases of severe infection.

DO NOT apply topical steroids if viral infection is suspected.

Keep  Your Healthy ! Eczema herpeticum Skin Condition, Natural Disease, Treatment

Eczema herpeticum Skin Condition : What Is It ? Treatment and Advice For Patient Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: David Maharoni


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