Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Herpes Simplex : What Is It ? Treatment and Natural Treatment, Nursing Management

Herpes Simplex : What Is It ? Treatment and Natural Treatment, Nursing Management

Herpes simplex is a viral infectious disease of humans. Herpes simplex is caused by herpes viruses, which are clinically indistinguishable, known as herpes virus type 1 and herpes virus type 2. Herpes virus type 1 is mainly responsible for herpes labialis while type 2 is usually associated with genital herpes


Over 85% of adults have serological evidence of herpes simplex type 1 infection. Most often acquired asymptomatic in childhood. Occasional primary infection may manifest as sever gingivostomatitis in small children. Herpes simplex is may have recurrent infection and self limited attacks, by precipitated fevers, a viral infection, fatigue, menstruation and others triggering factors such as the sun and wind.

Genital herpes (type 2) is considered a sexually transmitted infection. It is, a major concern to health care providers and consumers because of the increasing prevalence of the disease, which is 400,000 to 500,000 new cases each year and it also can recur.

Herpes simplex type 2 (Herpes genitals)

It is a viral infection that causes vesicles and bullos lesion on the cervix, vagina and external genitalia: Herpes simplex virus (HSV-2) appears to be causative virus in over 80% of genital and perineal lesions and about 20% are HSV- 1.

Usually the virus is killed at room temperature by drying.

Mode of transmission

The disease will transmit sexually and asexually from a wet surface or by selfinoculation (i.e. touching a cold sore and then touching the genital area). Generally close human contact with secretions of the oropharynx mucosal surface, vagina and cervix seems necessary to acquire the infection of herpes simplex.

Clinical manifestation

-Itching which accompanies red and edematous lesion.

-Typical lesion is grouped papules and vesicles which later ulcerates and encrusts in females, The labia is the usual the primary site and possibly the cervix, vagina and perianal skin where as in males, glans penis, foreskin and penile shaft are the affected site.

-Mild symptoms like fever, muscle ache will occur 3 to 4 days after appearance of lesion.

-Inguinal lymphadenopathy, high fever malaise, headache, myalgia and dysuria are noted

-In female, a purulent discharge may develop from a secondary bacterial infection

-Pain is evident during the first week and then decreases

-The lesion disappears in about 2 weeks unless they become secondarily infected

-Other part of the body such as the buttocks, or upper thighs and even the eyes can be involved.


Severe psychological stress related to the diagnosis of the disease. Aseptic meningitis and other complication also include pyoderma, esophagitis, transplacental fetal infection, and keratitis.


There is no curative treatment, so the aim of treatment is to reduce pain and to make patient comfort and decrease potential health risk.

1. Acyclovir is effective ally through the period of viral shedding. Pain, crusting and other symptoms can be shortened and healing can be hastened and also the treatment is effective in treating recurrence. Dose 200mg orally five times daily, or 400 mg three times daily or 500 mg twice daily for 10 days

2. Acyclovir ointment can be applied on the area of lesion Treatment does not cure the patient or prevent transmission of disease

Nursing intervention

-To relieve pain, lesions have to be kept clean and proper hygienic practice is advocated.

-Small ice packs may be applied to the lesion area to relieve pain

-Clothing should be clean, loose, soft and absorbent

-Tepid sitz bath are comforting & cleansing

-Bed rest to reduce pain & malaise

-Adequate fluid in take is encouraged

-Assess the fluid in take and, bladder distention

-Drug side effect has to be checked like insomnia, rash, headache, sore throat, muscle cramps and lymphadenopathy.

-Indwelling urinary catheter will be used in severe cases of dysuria

-To control infection, administer the prescribed antibiotics

-Patient education should be emphasized on physical & psychological problem of the patient

Thanks For Visiting ! Keep Your Healthy !

Herpes Simplex : What Is It ? Treatment and Natural Treatment, Nursing Management Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: David Maharoni


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